Oscar Wilde once said memories are the diary that we carry about with us. If you are experiencing grief, memories can be either comforting or painful, and sometimes both and the holidays can be an especially difficult time of year. While everyone grieves in different ways the holidays have a way of bringing forth an overwhelming amount of sights, sounds, feelings memories, that might make it difficult to cope with.
Every culture has their own traditions when it comes to funeral services for loved ones. This is especially true with Hispanic or Latino cultures. These traditions and customs can vary from family-to-family and are often influenced by their home country or religion. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the Hispanic population accounts for about 18% of the population and they are considered the largest minority group in the United States. It is important that funeral professionals are familiar with these traditions so they can be accommodating and understanding.
Whether a loved one is lost expectedly or unexpectedly, planning for a funeral service and burial can be overwhelming and stressful. Planning ahead of time will help to ease the burden for those left behind. There are many things that can be discussed, decided and documented well in advance. This will allow time for friends and family to grieve and support each other, instead of scrambling to figure out how best to honor their loved one and ensure that plans and arrangements are as they wish.